To help improve this site we place small files, known as cookies, onto your computer. Some are essential for the site to work properly, others are to improve the experience you have. You can stop this or any site from using any cookies. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them visit
This cookie policy was reviewed and updated in Decemeber 2024.
How we use cookies
We use cookies on this website, we have listed each of them below with more details about why we use them them and how long they will last.Cookies to improve your experience (Matomo Analytics)
We use Matomo Analytics to collect information about how people use our site, and rough demographics as to what groups of people are using our site. We do this to make sure it is meeting your needs and to how we could improve it. Matomo Analytics stores information about:- The pages you visit
- How long you spend on each page
- How you got to the site
- What you click on while you are here
Name | Purpose | Expires |
_pk_id | Used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID. | 13 months |
_pk_ref | Used to store the attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website. | 6 months |
_pk_ses, _pk_cvar, _pk_hsr | Short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit. | 30 minutes |
_pk_testcookie | Used to check whether the visitor's browser supports cookies. | Created and then directly deleted |
mtm_consent, mtm_consent_removed | Used to remember that consent was given (or removed) by the user. | 30 years |
Essential Cookies
The system that runs our website sets cookies to allow it to run smoothly.Name | Purpose | Expires |
AWSALB | Used to make sure the website can cope with unexpected traffic. | 7 days |
AWSALBCORS | Used to make sure the website can cope with unexpected traffic. | 7 days |
token | Used to store session token to allow access to some demos if your a staff member at an institution. | session |
token.sig | Signature of the 'token' cookie, used for security purposes | session |
jisc-sso-appId | Used to support the Jisc Login Service required for administrative pages and some of our demos. | with login page |
jisc-sso-appName | Used to support the Jisc Login Service required for administrative pages and some of our demos. | with login page |
jisc-sso-target | Used to support the Jisc Login Service required for administrative pages and some of our demos. | with login page |
jisc-sso-code-verifier | Used to support the Jisc Login Service required for administrative pages and some of our demos. | with login page |
jisc-sso-state | Used to support the Jisc Login Service required for administrative pages and some of our demos. | with login page |
LearnWise Data
Our website features a chatbot provided by LearnWise, to function as intended this service stores some information within Local and Session Storage on the browser, please see the details below:Name | Purpose | Expires |
token | Stored in Local Storage on the browser. Used by the LearnWise Chatbot to verify access. | never |
conversation | Stored in Session Storage on the browser. Used by the LearnWise Chatbot to store your conversation history. | never |
sentryReplaySession | Stored in Session Storage on the browser. Used by the LearnWise Chatbot. | session |